Sunday 14 October 2012

So, What's In a Name?

Think of this as a short intermission between parts 1 and 2 of "So Where Is All This Hot New Music?". Just line-up over there, get your choc-ice and Kia Ora and keep an eye on the screen for this important message.

Radio Show
I've been idling away on creating a simple logo for The Musical Box (the radio show) and also this blog, The New Musical Box. Folks have asked me, "Why the different names - doesn't it all get confusing?" and the answer of course is, probably not. But in recognition that it could, to the left, this is the radio show logo - and then below and to the right, the blog logo. You see? All very straight forward and the logic goes something like this:

  • The radio show - The Musical Box - has been around for 6 years now and has developed its own momentum and, I hesitate to say, its own identity.
  • This blog - The New Musical Box - is a recent arrival and needed to have one foot planted firmly in the radio camp, but also be ready to stride forward into the unknown reaches of the future. And as any advertising agency will tell you, there's nothing like the word new to say "Hey - this is different!".
In other words, the blog gives me greater freedom to write and comment on the wide world of music - but still acknowledging the link to the weekly radio show. It works well for The New Musical Express and The New Statesman, although admittedly, those august publications of years gone by, New Society and New Worlds, have bitten the dust so I'd better take great care.

So, remember: Radio = The Musical Box and Blog = The New Musical Box.

Right, the house lights are going down and the next feature's about to start.

I'd get back to your seats if I were you.



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