Friday 4 January 2013

THE MUSICAL BOX TOP 40 ALBUMS 2012 - Top 20 Run Down

Well, the run down is now complete following the second of our two broadcasts yesterday (3rd January) and the running order for the Top 20 is revealed!

It was a great show last night as the tension mounted through to Midnight when the revelation that DJANGO DJANGO had taken the top spot with their self-titled debut release. The top ten positions were all tightly contested and just a handful of votes separated them. Once again, I must thank all the listeners who voted - as well as readers of this The New Musical Box Blog - and I must also thank colleagues at Forest FM for their interest too. And a special mention to Chris Wade, the driving force behind Dodson & Fogg whose debut was in at #20: he promoted the show and the run-down for which I am very grateful indeed. His band have got a new album - Derring Do - coming out in the spring and judging by the first single, it's going to be another fine release.

Anyway - here's the Top 20 run down:


You can check out the lower part of run down (positions 21-40) in a previous blog by clicking  on the link here:

And if you'd like to hear the selections, then here's a link to last night's show for you to listen to "at your leisure":

Well, that's it for another year, but already 2013 is looking as if it'll be an intriguing year too. There are a number of big releases due and with the recently announced BBC "Sound of 2013" list (topped by an excellent San Franciscan trio, Haim - I'll definitely be playing them in my show), there'll be a wealth of music to enjoy.

Don't forget you can tune in to The Musical Box every Thursday night at 10pm,  two hours of top music: songs old, new, borrowed and blues - plus a range of regular features and the odd surprise too. If you're in the East Dorset/West Hampshire area, then tune in to 92.3 Forest FM - and for all those across the rest of the globe, why not bookmark our Radio Player link?

And of course, ideas, suggestions and contributions are always most welcome. There are three quick ways of getting in touch:

Here's looking forward to a fascinating musical year - and I'll be back in blog-mode next week as we take a look at the British folk-rock boom of the late 1960s.


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