Friday, 28 February 2014


Regular readers may have noticed a bit of a change to the design and layout of The New Musical Box blog.

I'd felt for a while that the previous styling was a bit tired and cluttered, so I've taken it on a quick spin through the car-wash and smartened it up a little. More space, a less overwhelming colour scheme and a new banner.

There are one or two minor odds and ends that still need a bit of buffing, but hopefully, it's pretty much all there. Of course, the blog's only as good as the content, so I've made sure that I've got some exciting pieces lined up for the next few weeks. There'll be a mix of one-off bits of news that shine a light on the world of music - plus, a couple of new series designed to dig into some interesting historical aspects of the music business.

The last series - Sex And Drugs And Rock n' Roll - And Television - is now in the throes of being expanded into what will be my second book derived from this blog. During my researches, there was so much fascinating material that just couldn't be used for fear of turning an over-view blog into an in-depth musical treatise. Related to that, work is already progressing on a six-part radio documentary version of the series. With plenty of clips and interviews, musical extracts and commentary, I'm sure it'll really bring to life the topsy-turvey story of the wide range of music shows we've had on UK television over the past 60 years. And the great news is, that some special and unique theme music is being put together by a cadre of excellent Dorset musicians just for the programmes - and I must admit, I'm really looking forward to the completed work.

You can of course keep regular track of all things to do with my *musical activities* through my facebook page - where you can always leave suggestions and recommendations as to music to include in future editions of my weekly radio show. Previous shows can be caught on mixcloud to listen to again At A Time To Suit You  - and of course, the links are updated on facebook every Friday night.

Here are the general links:

See you all next time.

Alan Dorey
28th February 2014

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