Friday 24 October 2014


Most readers on here will know that I host a long-running weekly radio show - The Musical Box. It's packed full with all manner of music - songs old, new, borrowed and blues pretty much sums up the show's ethos. The focus is on music and artists you may not hear on daytime shows - and the promotion of fine new acts who may not get a look in otherwise. This is all leavened with a sprinkling of well known names and musical news and features.


Well - it occurred to me that I really ought to put a link on this blog to the latest edition just so that the *curious* amongst you out there can try it out. It's available whenever and where ever you happen to be - you just need internet access.

And if it's your kind of thing, just click the *follow* button on the mixcloud link above - and well, each fresh edition will come your way on a weekly basis. Can't say fairer than that.

Have fun now.

Alan Dorey/24th October 2014

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